For the past two weeks we have been playing a game of good ole Secret Santa here in our office. I saw we, but a few party poopers decided not to participate... we gave them a hard time, of course! But I suppose I understand their reasons, and they still helped by playing elves or surrogate santas for people who were out of town.
Anyway, today at lunch club was the final reveal, where we each took turns guessing who had been giving us gifts. Leigh and Lynn had done copious amounts of spying and notetaking and had what ended up being a fairly accurate list of their guesses for the whole staff. Except for a few, everyone was pretty much at a loss as to who their santa was. I guessed correctly that Andres was my santa - pretty impressive since he spent most of the last week out of the country. (Turns out Ryan was doing his deliveries.) I received, amongst other things, a cookie cookbook, which should come in handy, and a horse calendar, which took me right back to middle school. I mean high school. I mean now. I still love horses, okay?!
Jorge's santa was revealed to be Anne, who had worked diligently to create several handmade basketball ornaments for him. Jorge had also mentioned that he wanted an over-the-door nerf basketball hoop like Stephen got last year - and Anne delivered again. Such a good little elf, that one!
Anne's santa turned out to be intern Christine, who had delivered her gifts with a sense of humor, including one printed essay on the history of the bagel.
Beth received her goodies from Jorge, including a spectacular liquid-sensitive light-up shot glass.
Leigh's secret santa was Webster, which she deduced due to the fact that a poem accompanied her gifts and in it big words were used. Clearly a mark of the Webster.
Anyway, we had a great time with the reveal. For the rest of lunch club we mostly bopped around from topic to topic, including of course the impending arrival of Leigh's little one. Only one more week til we all leave for Christmas break, and so we selfishly want the baby to be born before we leave as opposed to while we are gone! To her credit, Leigh has been an awesome pregnant lady to be around... in a good mood and of course full of interesting information. We know she'll make a great mama!
Well, that is all for today!
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