Thursday, November 29, 2007


Jorge’ here. I forgot to write the blog yesterday so that is why there was not a posting on Wednesday. Please keep this in mind while reading as I am fuzzy on some of the details. Yesterday’s lunch club was back on the normal track of a joint conversation instead of the North v. South splits of the day before. But there was a hodge-podge of topics.

It started off with the typical banter and jokes being thrown around. It was noted that Lynn typically is 7 seconds behind in most conversations. So, as the group had moved on to another topic, Lynn thought we were still on the prior and became confused. Several times!!!

Ryan discussed the rule his fiancée had about waiting until the Saturday before their wedding to open/set up the wedding presents they have received. He mentioned his desire to set up the TiVo system earlier, but Oliver suggested that he pick his battles when it comes to the Mrs and leave it alone.

The conversation moved on to earthquakes and Deasy’s many experiences with them while living in California. Jennifer mentioned how a prior employer had not informed her on what to do in an earthquake, but decided to save himself without regard for her safety.

Oliver delved into his uneasiness with females playing the role of Peter Pan in theatre. Which led to reminiscing about old Peter Pan movies that in turn led to remembering old cartoons. At this point the girls of lunch club went on and on about cartoons of their youth which I had never heard of. One of them had a Koala bear, I think. I was busy recollecting with Steven (with a “ph”) about G.I. Joe, Thundercats, Voltron, and all of the other toons of our childhood.

Beth and Lynn started to discuss an episode of “Brothers & Sisters” they had recently seen when Anne told them not to because she hadn’t seen it yet. Either Beth or Lynn (I can’t remember which) told her to cover her ears. To this, Anne promptly replied, “I can’t…I have a taco!”

And the lunch club quote of the day would have to be “I can’t…I have a taco!” If you are reading this, it might be fun to say it out loud right now wherever you are and note the reaction you get. It would probably be the same reaction Anne received.


Anonymous said...

David the Gnome! Eureka's Castle! Anything that came on Nickelodeon...

And "I can't... I have a taco" is officially one of the best Lunch Club quotes in a while.

Thanks for the recap Prez!

Anonymous said...

Aww I missed lunch club yesterday too! Too bad, I love tacos!
